Unique AI based peer matching based on your confidence level, skills, availability, weaknesses and strengths.
Huge selection of problems from leetcode including recently and frequently asked problems in real interviews.
Track your feedback. Personalized AI trained to guarantee so that you ace your next interview.
Prepin stands for Preparing Interviews. It is a free AI based tool you can use to practice anonymous mock coding interviews.
+ Lets face it, practicing coding questions alone does not develop skills required during interviews.
+ I developed a habit of thinking in my mind when I practiced alone, I could either think or speak. Whereas in an interview, interviewers expect you to speak up your thought process as you work through the solution and long pauses are not considered good. They judge you on your communication skills. Without live interview practice I could have never developed my communication skills required in an interview setting.
+ With Prepin, I could solve more harder questions than I would have solved on my own as interviewers guided me through hints, without revealing the complete solution. I got insight into how they used their thought process, when a completely new problem was given to them. This was hugely instrumental in boosting my confidence.
+ Being an ML engineer, I wanted AI to use my performance on questions and learn my weaknesses and strengths, so that I could master coding problems with the least amount of effort. Hence, I developed Prepin's unique Reinforcement learning based question recommendation engine. To study the effectiveness of the AI engine, users will be randomly assigned to experimental groups and control group and performance would be compared after we have a significant sample size.
+ After practicing on Prepin, I learnt a lot of subtle skills by interviewing others and getting interviewed by them. The interactive process of interviewing created the best version of me as in each interview I was trying to put my best foot forward without slacking. For example, when I would practice coding questions alone, I may or may not time it, or since no one was watching my code, sometimes I may not write clean code. Sometimes it is better to look from another's perspective. Prepin's coding interviews are designed to mimic actual interviews, where you and your peer and discuss the solution over a video call and a shared collaborative editor.
+ A major issue with some sites providing mock interviews is that they have limited set of questions, that are not updated with recently asked questions. Often a solution missing important edge cases would pass their evaluation. Over the years, Leetcode has created a huge bank of coding questions with an extensive set of test cases, which is updated regularly. In fact, in real interviews, one would find exactly same or slightly modified version of their questions. Hence it was a natural choice for questions and evaluation for Prepin.
+ Prepin provides enough flexibility for someone with regular day job, booking are open throughout the day at almost every hour.
+ I hope you like it. Leave your comments/suggestions in the feedback form after your interview.
+ Good Luck and Happy interviewing!